In English

What does your company sound like?
Have you ever considered the reason why you play music? Is it with intention to keep your customers longer in your store? Do you want your guests to finish their meals quicker and leave your restaurant? Do you want your guests to feel a welcoming atmosphere in your hotel or highly motivated during their exercise session in the gym?

To successfully achieve this 365 days of the year, it demands a lot of music as well as knowledge of how to put the music together.
We at MusicPartner create music concepts according to your situation and target group. Playing good music is not good enough. It´s all about playing the right music, music that reflects your company image. Now you can leave the music discussion and focus on issues that create more sales opportunities for you.

Music affects you!
Many surveys show that music affects us whether we notice it or not. The right music at the right time puts your customers in the right mood.
Companies spend considerable amounts of money on visual details i.e. colours, furniture, lighting, plants; the list is endless. How can you affect your customers by using sound as a means of communication?
Co-operating with MusicPartner will help you spread the right atmosphere when your clients visit your place of commerce, be it the gym, store or restaurant.

Your own radio station
Think about it! Do you have several stores and want to brand your company in a similar way not depending on where in the world they come in contact with you?
With your own music channel you are able to use the opportunity to place information, ads or insert your company jingle in-between songs, which also strengthens your brand identity.

How does it work?
MusicPartner delivers its services via the Internet. To receive the service, the requirements are only a computer connected to the Internet. Connect your computer to the existing sound system and you are ready. Once the set up is done and the installation is completed, your staff will only need to control the volume.

How often is the music up dated?
Our music channels, be they generic or tied to a specific company, are always updated on a daily basis by our music co-ordinator.

How much does it cost?
With our service it will be both easier and cheaper than you think. For the price of a few cd´s per month you will get a daily updated service that will provide you with the right music and affect your customers in a positive way.
Subscribe to already-made music concepts or ask for a quote on a unique solution for your company.

We will happily provide you with references from a variety of businesses. Contact us by phone +46 (0)54-29 39 40.

How do I get started?
Send us an inquiry to: epost(a) or phone us at +46 (0)54-29 39 40.
We will personally assure that your set up will be free from hassle!

The people behind MusicPartner
MusicPartner assists companies in finding the right music for their businesses. Our clients are represented in a variety of sectors such as gyms and work out facilities, coffee shops, restaurants, hotels, shops and stores. Our employees have a passionate relationship to music. They have a wide experience from radio, both commercial and public service, as well as from IT-intense companies. A music co-ordinator plans the music and the information in our channels.